Day 18 (1/31): Purpose in Education
Warm Up: Word of the Week Learning Intentions: We are learning that... The willingness to fail is an essential part of any worthwhile learning experience. Deep learning occurs when we have autonomy over our learning journey, when we are motivated to aim toward mastery, and when our learning has purpose. Success Criteria We will know we are successful when we can Enunciate a position on the role of failure in meaningful learning. Develop a purpose statement for our personal learning journey. Agenda: Literacy Narrative Share Time Freewrite: "Fail better." Sir Ken Robinson, "Changing Education Paradigms" Dan Pink, "The Puzzle of Motivation" "The One Sentence Project" Homework: Write your Sentence. Submit to GClassroom by Thursday. By Wednesday: Read Kohn, "The Case Against Grades" and respond to discussion questions (GClassroom) Read They Say/I Say, Ch. 1 Three Takeaways (by Tuesday) Practice Questions (by Thursday) Begin Readi...